Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rani Showing Middle Finger:controversy

A promo of No One Killed Jessica,in which Rani shows her middle finger,gets a rap on the knuckles

Ever since the promos of No One Killed Jessica went up on YouTube, Rani Mukherjee has been getting many compliments. But a scene in which her character shows her middle finger in an office corridor has now got the film stuck with the Censors. The Censors found the promo too offensive for family viewing and are insisting it be screened only if Ranis middle finger is blurred.

Says a source, The channels were shocked at Rani displaying her middle finger so explicitly on screen. Even if the Censors hadn't objected to the promo, some channels would have chosen not to screen it. The Censor Boards decision has come as a shock to the director, Raj Kumar Gupta, and the producers, UTV. The source argues, The Boards decision is unfair. Today, kids have easy access to the internet.

How does not showing a promo like this serve the purpose A harrowed Rajkumar Gupta said, I am very disappointed. The trailer should be seen in the right context and not in isolation. But the makers of the film apparently agree that very little can be done at this stage about it. An official from UTV confirms, Ranis middle finger scene cannot be shown in the promo on television unless it is blurred. Guess they better not raise a finger against this Censor Board ruling.

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